- Who are our leaders?
- What is the importance of the Black Vote?
- Does our vote even matter to a disenfranchised society?
- Why does it seem like no one is training us to take leaders places?
Destinie Baker Sutton, Esq. had the opportunity to speak to a millennial audience of thousands to address those questions and discuss the importance of voting on “The Girl Talk Podcast” along with Vice Mayor Katrina Long-Robinson and Ashanta Williamson, the creator of the Podcast. The episode aired on Apple Podcast, Spotify and Anchor on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at noon.
To listen on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thegirltalk-podcast/id1518929369?i=1000479372960
To listen on Anchor and all other platforms: https://anchor.fm/ashanta-williamson