Voteless and Hopeless: Why is it so important to vote in the 2020 Election?
Who are our leaders? What is the importance of the Black Vote? Does our vote even matter to a disenfranchised society? Why does it seem like no one is training us to take leaders places? Destinie Baker Sutton, Esq. had the opportunity to speak to a millennial audience of thousands to address those questions and …
Voteless and Hopeless: Why is it so important to vote in the 2020 Election? Read More »
Destinie Baker Sutton was featured in the Miami Herald addressing “How to Talk to Your Kids Honestly About Racism”
‘THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY’ Destinie Baker Sutton, a former special prosecutor for the organized crime unit of the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office who is now in private practice in West Palm Beach, said she takes a similar approach to educating her 5-year-old about racism, focusing on awareness, safety and decision making. When Sutton …
“We want to be part of the Solution”
Proud to be part of the solution, Destinie Baker Sutton, Esq. was an organizer of a peaceful protest against police brutality at the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida in response to the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Brianna Taylor. The protest gathered almost 100 participants of diverse backgrounds who braved a …
Black “Freedom” in America
Destinie Baker Sutton, Esq. was honored to be invited by the Palm Beach Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. to be a guest speaker for the youth group. She spoke about Black “Freedom” in America from June 19, 1865 to 2020…. What now? There is no better way to celebrate Juneteenth than to …
Voter Education PSA aired on NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, HGTV and the FoodNetwork.
Destinie Baker Sutton, Esq participated in a voter education public service announcement that aired on NBC, CBS, MSNBC, HGTV and the FoodNetwork.
WPTV News Coverage of Community Service
Destinie Baker Sutton was featured on WPTV news for her community service work with the Supervisor of Elections Adopt-A-Precinct Program. Her work kept the Pleasant City Community Center precinct open and raised money which was donated back to the community.
Census 2020 PSA aired on NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, HGTV and the FoodNetwork.
Destinie Baker Sutton, Esq. was featured in a Census 2020 Public Service Announcment that aired on NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, HGTV and the FoodNetwork.